Saturday, April 30, 2011


God is Awesome

God is soooooooooooooooo Awesome! Many times during our busy lives we forget to stop and think how GREAT and AWESOME GOD IS. All we really have to do is look around us and even at ourselves.

The birds are there every morning to gives us tune and show us God's joy.
The sun is there to welcome us to a new day.
The flowers and beautiful green trees are there to remind us that if they are so beautifully dressed and taken care of how much more will our God take care of us and provide for us.
 As winter and autumn start to change our days they show us that there is a time and a place for everything. As we shiver with cold in winter and miss the kind and warm sun, we see that nothing should be taken for grated.
As the rain starts to water the Earth and the soil drink its precious drops we see that God does not only care about the Christians but all His Creation.
 Let’s not forget the fact that we are alive and that He loves us so much that He gave His one and only Son to DIE (defeat DEATH) for us, so we should not perish but have eternal life. Jesus Christ didn't come to condemn us but to save us, isn't that awesome? Has anyone every done that for you before? There are no words do describe our Great Awesome God!!