Friday, May 20, 2011



What is faith?

According to the Bible faith is: Hebrews 11:1
“Now faith is being sure (assurance) of what we hope for and certain (conviction) of what we do not see.”

Faith is like the foundations of a house, without them nothing or hardly anything can be done. We need faith to believe in God and in the Word of God but faith isn’t only believing in God and in His Word but it is also living according to His Word and trusting Him more than anyone or anything. We need faith to be justified. Acts 26:18

How do we get faith?

In Romans 12:3, the Bible tells us that God has given us each a measure of faith. We need to grow our faith. We need to use and live by our faith.
In primary school we were given bean seeds to put under cotton wool in a little container and everyday we had to give the little seed a bit of water and allow it to enjoy the sunshine. After a while a little green, vulnerable green sprout came out and slowly continued to grow. The seed would eventually become a strong and healthy plant and be too big for the container. If we didn’t do what the teachers had told us, it would not have grown into a strong plant.
The same happens with our faith. God has given us the seed(s) of faith, now we have to cultivate (take care of the seed) we need to give the seed water and sunshine and carry on until it grows into a strong plant. Follow God’s instructions on what to do. (By reading the bible and hearing His voice)
In Romans 10:17, God tells us that faith comes by hearing the word of God. Already in the above verse God is telling us how to grow our faith. Our faith grows when we obey God, trust Him, stand on His Word when trials come our way and etc.
In Matthew 25:14-30, God speaks about the talents given to a master’s servants and in verse 29 Jesus says that for the ones who have more will be given but to the ones who don’t have  even what they have will be taken away. I believe that applies for our faith as well. If we don’t use the faith given to us we will end up losing it.

The importance of faith

We need faith to satisfy God in Hebrews 1:6 we see that we can only please God if we have faith.
Throughout the Bible we see various men of faith and the reward of their faith (Hebrews 11).In the New Testament we various times see the words “Your faith has saved you”. Mark 8:21-41, Matthew 8:1-13 etc

If we have faith (true faith) we will live how God wants us to live. God tells us that we speak what our hearts are filled with. Romans 10:8-9

We need to live by faith Romans 1:17, Galatians 3. God is faithful therefore since we created in His image shouldn’t we too be faithful? Deuteronomy 7:9 and use it Romans 12:6-7

Faith is part of God’s armor. Ephesians 6:16. Therefore we need faith to fight our daily spiritual battles. Faith is part of God’s covering.

We as humans trust so many things we hear, read and etc. We trust other human beings that being human fail. So how much more faith should we have in God that is perfect and our Creator.

Seek God, have faith and live according to His Word, Mercy and Grace.

A time will come where you will have to live by faith, the faith that is stored in the most inner part of you. Be it in times of trial or at the end of times. Faith, have Faith, grow your faith. Read and Hear the Word of God. Grow the measure of faith God has given you. Look after it, cherish it. Trails will come your way and only the truth will set you free. Where is your faith? Are you ready? Ready to go into battle with your faith as your shield.. Are you ready? The time is near even though we should prepare long before. Are you ready to ‘fight’ the false prophets, the mark of the beast, the beast?  Have you stored enough faith? In time of famine the Egyptians lived on what they had stored during the seven years of abundance. We have Bibles, fellow Christians (Fellowship), Leaders, Christian Bookshops and etc. There is abundance! Don’t allow your measure faith to be taken away. Don’t! Grow your faith. If faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains how much more can your faith do?

In Luke 18:8, God asks: Will He (Jesus) find faith on earth when He comes? Now I’m asking you, will He find faith in you?

Guard your faith for it is the most precious gift you have.

Have a Blessed Weekend!! God Bless!!