Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hearing God's Voice

Hearing God’s Voice

God wants to communicate with us. He loves us and wants the best for His people. In Jeremiah 29:11-14 God says, “For I know the plan I have for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
The above scripture shows us that God cares about His people and wants the best for us. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.

God has marvellous plans for us but we need to allow God to work. When we want to get to an unknown place we use a map and follow it’s instructions. To live in accordance with God we need to follow God and not vice-versa. Part of walking beside God is hearing what He wants to tell us.

But that is where the problem comes in. How are we supposed to listen to God if we don’t hear Him?
When you have our Ipod/MP3 Player on max and you are listening and singing to your favourite song can you hear your mothers' speaking in the background? Can you obey her and do what she is saying? No, but when she asks why didn’t you do what I told you the answer is: “I was to busy, I didn’t hear you.”

I’m not saying we can’t listen to music, we just shouldn’t allow everything around us camouflage God’s voice. We are always to busy to hear God or spend time with Him but then when tribulations strike we are the first to point our fingers at God and ask why.

It isn’t always easy due to the lives we live on earth today but we have to do our part. We are allowing minor things to separate us further and further from God with the excuse I don’t have time or I can’t hear.

I rejoice in knowing that my life is planned and known by God, the all mighty and powerful. He is my master and the one I want to serve. That doesn’t mean I’m never going to suffer but is means that I am more than a conqueror. If we listen to what God has to tell us, to the one that knows everything we can do great things for God’s glory and honour.

God can speak to who He wants, when He wants but we should and must create an atmosphere where God can operate in our lives. We can’t expect God to work in our lives if we don’t have faith that He will or if we don’t obey what He tells us.

We need to do our part. God gives us the path and guidance but we have to do the walking.

Many times we know God is speaking to us but choose to ignore it because we don’t want t obey what God is telling us to do.

God’s voice is a soft, gentle, loving voice but at the same time powerful. We need to learn how to distinguish God’s voice from the world’s or our conscious. God can speak to us in various ways. When He speaks we know it is Him because we feel peace, our spirit confirms it is Him and it is almost like knowing a loved ones voice so well that by a simple "hello" you know exactly who's speaking.In the Bible Jesus tells us that His sheep know His voice.

God can speak to us through His word, prophecy, a strong feeling inside of us (our sub-conscious), nature, dreams or visions, through ourselves etc.

If we look in the Old Testament we will se that in those times God often spoke to the people directly (audible) and in the New Testament in different ways and today God too speaks to many through His word etc.

Be still and know He is God. Spend ‘alone’ time with Him and just do the listening, forget the talking. Spend quite time with God forget MXIT,BBM, Facebook and everything else and just be in God’s presence wait on Him.

I don’t know how or when God is going to speak to you but I can guarantee that He wants to speak to you. He knows the right way so when you need to make a decision let Him help you make it. Speak to Him, He will listen to you and He will answer you. He speaks in various ways so don’t allow yourselves to lose out on God’s blessing because you where only counting on Him speaking to you in the way you want.

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